Show Mum Some Love This Mother's Day!

Gift Ideas Mother's Day Mother's Day Top 5 Ocean artwork Resin art Resin boards resin timber Serving boards

So Mother's Day is fast approaching, and so many are wondering what it is that will make Mum feel special this year. We've consulted our Mums and I've drawn on my own Mum powers, to come up with a list of the top 5 ways to spoil and gift Mum this Mother's Day! If you're needing some inspiration, read on...

I'm going to start with the gift that's on top of my own list for every special occasion... The Spa Treatment!!

For me, nothing beats the relaxing music, soothing scents and total relaxation of a spa treatment. A simple pedicure or massage, through to the deluxe treatment package and anything in between is pure bliss for me! As Mums, we are super busy taking care of everyone else and often neglect our own needs. A spa treatment is a great way to switch our busy brains off and enjoy being looked after ourselves for a change!

After consulting with my own Mother figures, the next 2 gift ideas pretty much came in at a tie.

So idea #2 is an updated family photo. A nice one! Now, professional photos are lovely, and if it's within your budget, you generally won't be disappointed with the results, however, our phone cameras are pretty fandangle (a mum word), these days and with a little effort, you can achieve something really beautiful. Find more information here on how to achieve a great family portrait. There are also some great tips here on what to wear to get a beautiful professional look. It's super quick and easy to get photos printed these days and frames are just as easy to find!

Now number #3, you may think is a little biased, but my Mums absolutely love anything from Mojo Flow Art !

Not only are our gifts beautiful, but they are functional too. If you're, looking for a gift that Mum will actually use this year, check out the great range of resin and timber gift ideas we have, including bespoke creations, cheese boards, key racks, wall clocks, wall art and the ever popular lazy susans. We even have beautiful gift sets available!

Another great feature of Mojo Flow Art products are that they can be personalised with laser engraving. Names, initials, messages and images can all be added to make your gift all that more special! It's a busy time of year for us so you may need to get in quick for this one to avoid missing out!

Number #4 is simply a day of rest. No cooking, no washing, no cleaning, no refereeing arguments, no nagging and no drama! Simply give mum a break! Now this is the super important bit that I need you to remember... Do not tell Mum to relax and not lift a finger and then proceed to relax and not lift a finger yourself! Do not leave all the jobs for her to do the next day, organise everyone to chip in and actually take the load off her for the day! If you don't want to do the dishes, take her out for a meal so noone has to do the dishes! 

The final gift idea is a spin-off of probably the most popular Mother's Day presents given all over the world... Flowers.

The thing with flowers, is that they really don't last that long so I like to give something that will continue to be a reminder of how thoughtful you were on Mother's day in the form of a living plant. It could still be flowers, but it could also be an indoor plant, shrub, or even something edible. To this day, one of my favourite and most memorable gifts that I have ever received was some potted strawberry plants. (If you're in Australia, now is a great time to plant strawberries)! 

 So that's my top five Mother's Day gifting ideas and I hope this list assists you in spoiling the beautiful and irreplaceable mothers and mother figures you each have in your life.

To the World, You are a Mother. To our Family, You are the World...

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